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By experts, for enterprises

Boost profits and gain clarity with Amazon and e-commerce optimization.

just like yours.


Online sales,

done better.

Empowering brands through Innovation

At Fortuna, we redefine the agency model by offering a subscription-based approach that provides cost-efficiency and access to a diverse range of skills and perspectives.

We empower businesses to outperform competition on Amazon and beyond. Every day of the week.


Fully autonomous, uncompromisingly human

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We didn't reinvent the wheel,

just online sales.

(No biggy).


Full Brand Control

Not just selling products: shaping perceptions.

Gain full control over your brand narrative, from product presentation to customer experience.


Imagine having the power to curate every aspect of your customer's journey, ensuring consistency, authenticity, and alignment with your vision in every Point Of Contact.

From optimized listings to targeted ad campaigns, seize the reins and steer your brand toward unparalleled success with confidence.


Elevate Margins

Bottom lines up.

Unlock higher margins by cutting out unnecessary middlemen and streamlining your sales process.

Picture your revenue soaring as you maximize profits with strategic pricing and optimized sales channels.


It's not just about selling; it's about thriving in a landscape where every cent counts.


Hands-off Operations

Get back freedom.

Experience the freedom of streamlined operations, where every task, from inventory management to order fulfillment, flows effortlessly.


Say goodbye to headaches as you watch your business operate seamlessly, allowing you to focus on what truly matters—growing your brand and impressing stakeholders.


A different approach

> simply great results.

Nicholas Constantin, Product Manager

Eight Saints Skincare Inc.

..they don't just deliver a cookie-cutter service; they make the perfect plan for brands and then get to it. The level of insight and creative input over each product gives our team peace of mind. Thanks guys.

Fortuna replaces unreliable freelancers and expensive agencies for one flat monthly fee, with ROIs that are blow-your-mind good.

Totally async

Don't like meetings? We don't either; so much so we've outlawed them completely.

Customized dashboard

Choose your KPIs and keep track of them across all platforms.

Invite unlimited team members

Invite your entire team, so anyone can submit requests and track progress.


Our Industry Partners

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